Resource Room

  • List of Participating Firms

    Check whether your financial institution is a participating firm. Contact us for assistance if you are unsure on whether your financial institution is a participating firm.
  • Resources for Firms

    New and existing participating firms can access resources explaining OBSI and the dispute resolution process.
  • Resources for Consumers

    Learn more about OBSI’s Consumer and Investor Advisory Council. It was created to provide the input of consumers and investors into OBSI’s governance and operations, complementing the input OBSI regularly receives from industry stakeholders and regulatory and government officials. Informational brochures can also be accessed here.
  • Reference Documents

    A collection of important documents such as OBSI’s Term of Reference, Corporate Bylaw, Code of Practice, and Accessible Customer Service Plan that govern how OBSI and the dispute resolution process works.
  • Policies

    A collection of policies that describe how OBSI approaches certain situations.
  • Public Consultations

    OBSI continuously engages its stakeholders – consumers, the financial industry, and regulators – on important issues. Current and past consultations can be found here.
  • FAQ

    Frequently asked questions can be found here.
  • Useful Links

    Links to consumer information and help, investor education, regulatory organizations, and other useful websites.